Title: Khasra Level Mapping Project: Enhancing Land Management and Administration


The Khasra Level Mapping Project aims to revolutionize land management and administration by leveraging advanced mapping technologies to accurately survey and map land parcels at the khasra level. The project focuses on providing detailed information about land ownership, boundaries, land use, and other relevant attributes at a granular level. This comprehensive and up-to-date land information system will facilitate efficient decision-making, dispute resolution, and overall land governance.


a. Accurate Mapping: The primary objective of the project is to create accurate and reliable maps of land parcels at the khasra level, ensuring precise identification of boundaries and ownership information.

b. Enhanced Land Governance: By digitizing land records and incorporating them into a centralized database, the project aims to improve land governance practices, reduce corruption, and enhance transparency.

c. Efficient Land Administration: The project seeks to streamline land administration processes by providing real-time access to land records, simplifying transactions, and minimizing disputes.

d. Effective Planning and Development: The availability of precise land data will facilitate better urban and rural planning, infrastructure development, and resource management.

e. Increased Stakeholder Participation: The project intends to involve various stakeholders, including landowners, government agencies, surveyors, and the public, to ensure a participatory approach and address their diverse needs.


a. Data Collection: Field surveys, aerial photography, remote sensing, and existing land records will be utilized to gather data for mapping land parcels at the khasra level.

b. Spatial Data Analysis: Geospatial analysis techniques will be applied to process the collected data, ensuring accurate identification and delineation of land boundaries.

c. Data Integration: The collected data will be integrated into a centralized geodatabase, associating cadastral records with spatial information, enabling seamless querying and analysis.

d. Web-based Platform: A user-friendly web-based platform will be developed to provide easy access to the mapped data, allowing stakeholders to view land parcels, query information, and initiate transactions.

e. Capacity Building: Training programs and workshops will be conducted to empower stakeholders with the knowledge and skills required to utilize the mapping system effectively.

Key Benefits:

a. Improved Land Tenure Security: Accurate mapping at the khasra level will provide landowners with a secure and reliable proof of ownership, reducing land disputes and fraudulent practices.

b. Time and Cost Savings: The digitization of land records and streamlined administration processes will save time and resources for both landowners and government agencies.

c. Efficient Decision-making: Access to reliable land data will enable informed decision-making for urban and rural planning, infrastructure development, and natural resource management.

d. Transparency and Accountability: The project will promote transparency and accountability by providing public access to land records, minimizing corruption, and ensuring fair land transactions.

e. Improved Investor Confidence: The availability of accurate land information will boost investor confidence in the real estate sector and encourage economic growth.

Challenges and Mitigation Strategies:

a. Technical Challenges: Ensuring accurate data collection, data integration, and system performance will require skilled professionals, quality control mechanisms, and appropriate technological infrastructure.

b. Stakeholder Cooperation: Collaboration and coordination among various stakeholders, including landowners, government agencies, and surveyors, will be crucial for the success of the project. Regular stakeholder engagement and awareness campaigns can help address this challenge.

c. Legal and Policy Framework: Updating and aligning existing land laws, regulations, and policies with the project's objectives may be necessary to facilitate data sharing, privacy protection, and land dispute resolution.


The Khasra Level Mapping Project holds significant potential for transforming land management and administration by providing accurate, reliable, and accessible land data at the khasra level. By leveraging advanced mapping technologies, the project aims to enhance land governance, streamline land administration processes, and promote sustainable development. The project's successful implementation will have far-reaching benefits for landowners, government agencies, and the broader society, fostering transparency, accountability, and economic growth.
